Alexandre AKAR

The very personal painting of Alexandre Akar is essentially human, urban, sensitive to current music. The vigor of the drawing, the color, the brushstrokes show his way of asking the question of the image in painting by following the examples of the German expressionists, Matisse, Picasso, Pop-Art...
For this, he uses an acrylic medium that he loads with pigments chosen for the power of their colors.
Versatile, loving large formats, he also produces painted walls, frescoes, bas-reliefs, painted wooden objects such as these large sets of cubes, totems, large sculptures in the assembly of materials. We see his desire to conceive his work in space and volume.
While attending a painting workshop, he obtained his visual arts diploma from the National School of Applied Arts (Paris 15th): monumental art, theatrical and architectural scenography, reinforced by an internship in architecture and urban planning at the AAU Paul Chemetov.