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Capture d’écran 2021-01-21 à 16.55.01.

Painting has become essential to me, like a new breath of life...

My research is that of a material that vibrates, that transmits emotion, of a moving material whose dynamics express life and action.

Impulsive and gestural, my painting mixes different techniques, plays with their qualities in juxtaposition, in superposition, with the harmony of colors in order to express, in a new way, my search for another reality, the emotions provoked or felt. .


Bronze medal diploma from the academic society Arts Sciences Lettres -Paris June 2018


Akoun quotation 2017

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Martine LALLEMENT participated in  the Art et Miss gallery exhibition on the following theme:​

  • January 2021: Abstract Art

  • April 2021: Feminine art

  • August 2021: International Exhibition

  • December 2021: Small formats

  • March 2022: Landscapes

  • May 2022: Abstract Art


Abstract art - January 2021

Feminine Art - April 2021

Black and white - August 2021

Small formats - December 2021